Chevron HSEQ

Chevron HSEQ
HSEQ Management Systems Consulting

Monday, July 11, 2011

Managing Portable Data Risks

After my post this morning about Cloud Computing I decided to set up an online filing system using Dropbox

Now I can access all of my files anywhere using my laptop, desktop, Smartphone etc as well as share it with my business partner and not have to worry about backups. As seems to be my mantra these days, with benefit comes risk. If I lose my laptop or phone there is a potential for my data to be accessed by undesirables. To reduce this risk I have added password protection to keep all but the most determined hacker out.

Portable data is a much bigger risk for larger businesses however. The majority of employees now have smartphones, tablets and all number of portable devices containing sensitive information. Once again, controls should be built into your document control processes and here are a few things to think about.

1. Do you have a register of portable devices?
2. How do you control company information stored on devices not owned by the business?
3. have you assessed company controlled devices to see how easily sensitive information could be accessed?

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